UPDATE: The Baileys Harbor Board of Trustees tabled the discussion regarding revisions to the enforcement elements of the STR ordinance at last night’s board meeting. 

Home Hosts supported this action. Earlier this year, Home Hosts collaborated with some residents of Baileys Harbor to provide recommendations to the Board on revising the enforcement elements of the STR Ordinance but these were not incorporated in the recommendations published just before the board meeting. This lack of inclusion was unintentional. 

This will be taken up again in a few months. Our recommendations will be reviewed when revising the enforcement provisions. 

Original Post of October 9, 2023

Baileys Harbor Town Board will be holding a meeting on October 9 at 6 pm to discuss the Short Term Rental Ordinance and the Strike Right to Cure Options. This meeting is an opportunity to voice your opinions on this important issue. Please attend and participate in this important discussion to express your concerns and ask questions. Click the green hyperlink below, to read about the options:

Short Term Rental Ordinance Right to Cure Options

Here’s what a Baileys Harbor STR owner has to say about the Options, what are your thoughts?

“The proposed changes we agreed to support in June seem much better. I don’t think neighbors are going to complain to the owner necessarily – they may not know who it is or how to contact them. They are likely to complain to the town instead – the constable etc. Nor do I understand why a call back to the neighbor will help. And seems like the options miss other violations of the STR ordinance like renting to 15 people while the ordinance limits the rental to 10 people.”BH STR Owner

Here’s what one of our Home Hosts Board Members has to say, what are your thoughts?

  • There’s no definition of a complaint…can a neighbor just call about every little thing and the owners are required to respond within 45 mins? 
  • Will the neighbor call both the owner and the agent? If not, what happens if one or the other is unreachable for 45 mins? Is that an automatic strike? Seems a little unfair if for example one is on an airplane and they only tried calling 1 person
  • What’s the difference between a tenant, visitor and guest?
  • Option 3 says a telephone call needs to be made to the primary adult occupant but the platforms require all interactions take place in the platform so it can be documented
  • Option 2 seems like the best option but what do other people think? These all seem very subjective.

Click Here for Agenda

Action Items:

  1. Attend the meeting on Monday, October 9 at 6 PM. We encourage you to be there. 
  2. Write directly to the Town Board members listed here.
  3. Learn more about what Home Hosts is doing to represent STR owner’s with local governments. Become a member of Home Hosts. We take a partnership approach with towns and villages, but if they break the law, we will take legal action to stop them.
  4. If you are interested in being involved in the Baileys Harbor Home Hosts membership team, please contact Punkaj Gupta via Home Hosts of Door County 

Details on meeting:

Monday, October 9, 2023 at 6 PM

2392 County Road F

Baileys Harbor, WI

Attend via ZOOM