Hello! Home Hosts is now recognized as the representative of STR owners throughout Door County.

We’ve been asked to the table for tourism lodging strategy discussions, tourism visioning overall, and how best we can work together with various entities that want to engage our guests in learning more about good neighbor practices and caring for the fragile ecosystem in which our homes exist. Town leaders have been reaching out to us to help bring fact vs. fiction to areas of community concern. This is the same for relations with the Peninsula Pulse and The Knock.

janet slater board president home hosts door county
Janet Slater, Home Hosts President

Because of the strength of a variety of these relationships, Home Hosts has gotten strong support for a venture we’ve wanted to take for some time: an image building campaign composed of educational and inspirational videos that can help turn the tide, creating an appreciation of STRs, their guests and owners. We’ll help our guests be the best neighbors they can be, and educate owners on the same.

We’ve all been frustrated that STRs have become the scapegoats for all of Door County’s challenges. Getting involved in this image building project gives you the opportunity to actually do something about it! If you’d like to support this educational and image building effort, we’d love to have you on our team. Contact Janet at: jgreenleafslater@gmail.com.

Please save the date for our next Members Only Forum on January 18th at 5pm. A zoom link will follow. Email homehostsdoorco@gmail.com and let us know what you would like to have covered at the upcoming Forum and/or concerns you have as an STR owner.